Japanese alkaline water ionizer culture
The company has disseminated this unique “Japanese alkaline water ionizer culture” from Japan to the world, and has contributed to healthy lifestyle improvement for many people.
In 1985
In 1985, Toyo Aitex’s leader board began to develop into 4 separate companies with different business orientations. (Impart was established in 1985, Togo was established in 1986, Enagic was established in 2001 and Aqua Process was established in 2007)
In 1986
In 1986, Togo Equipment Manufacturing Corp. (TOGO) was established in Aichi, Japan.
Since its foundation, TOGO has always developed products that respond to customer needs and is now developing a wide range of water treatment oriented and health-related products. TOGO’s key products include: alkaline water ionizer, central water filtration system, hollow fiber membrane water purifier, microbubble shower,…
Corporate Data
- Founded: 1945 (Toyo Aitex, the precursor of TOGO)
- Established: August 07, 1986
- Capital: JPY 10,800,000,000
- Employees: 9,285 (December 2022)
- Chairman & CEO: Tetsuo Nagata
- President: Kenji Tanaka
- Senior Managing Director: Takeshi Yamada
- Senior Managing Director: Keisuke Yukawa
- Sales Director: Kumiko Futami Advisor: Michisue Suwa (Grandfather of alkaline water ionizer)
- Headquarters: 1-1713 Amakoda, Moriyama-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 463-0037 JAPAN Tel: 052-773-0013
- Website Corp: www.togoequipment.com
- Website brand Toyo: www.toyosuwa.com

“We want Japan’s No.1 quality alkaline water ionizer products to go to the world”

Tetsuo Nagata
Togo Equipment -The world’s oldest and most experienced alkaline ionizer factory
The precursor of TOGO is Toyo Aitex, began operations in Okinawa, Japan. Toyo Aitex started as a medical-oriented manufacturer in 1945.
In 1952, Mr. Suwa, fouder of Toyo Aitex, developed the first alkaline ionized water apparatus (alkaline water ionizer) in the world. He is considered the grandfather of alkaline water ionizer industry.
In 1966, Toyo Aitex was the first in the world to mass produce alkaline water ionizers since they were approved as a medical apparatus under the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law. Alkaline water ionizers that manufactured by Toyo Aitex have product code begin with TYH, TYU, ATX.

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